Facts About Seals And Sea Lions

Facts About Seals And Sea Lions. There are seven species of sea lion worldwide but are all put together in the same family the seven species are: Sea lions have small earflaps on their head sides, while seals don’t.

Facts About Seals And Sea Lions

A boy and his dog near the white house in september 2021. Sea lions are brown, bark loudly, walk on land using large flippers, and they have visible ear.

Seals And Sea Lions Resemble One Another Quite A Lot, Despite Being From Different Families.

Seals And Sea Lions Resemble One Another Quite A Lot, Despite Being From Different Families., Images

Seals And Sea Lions Resemble One Another Quite A Lot, Despite Being From Different Families., Images

Seals have ear holes whereas sea lions (and fur seals) have small ear flaps.

Together With The Fur Seals, They Constitute The Otariidae Family, Collectively Known As Eared Seals.

Together With The Fur Seals, They Constitute The Otariidae Family, Collectively Known As Eared Seals., Images

6 feet (females) to 7.5 feet (males) lifespan.

There Are Three Categorized Families For Seals.

There Are Three Categorized Families For Seals., Images

Images References

Images References, Images

Sea Lions (Left) Are Brown, Bark Loudly, Walk On Land Using Their Large Flippers And Have Visible Ear Flaps.

Sea Lions (Left) Are Brown, Bark Loudly, Walk On Land Using Their Large Flippers And Have Visible Ear Flaps., Images

Sea lions have small earflaps on their head sides, while seals don’t.

Seals And Sea Lions Resemble One Another Quite A Lot, Despite Being From Different Families.

Seals And Sea Lions Resemble One Another Quite A Lot, Despite Being From Different Families., Images

Seals And Sea Lions Resemble One Another Quite A Lot, Despite Being From Different Families., Images

The most obvious physical distinction between the two is their ears:

Seals Have Small Flippers, Wriggle On Their.

Seals Have Small Flippers, Wriggle On Their., Images